What is Backend Development

A Complete Guidance on Backend Development

Last updated on 31 Dec 2021

In this article, we will discuss the query of what is backend development. The web development region points to how a site or web application functions. It draws its attention to what occurs in the background. That's why it works connected to convey consistent client experiences.


Let’s discuss some introduction of what is backend development. Backend Development is that mystically associated elusive portion of an application that continues to be unseen. Each vital nonetheless complicated application carries additional non-user interface code. A back-end developer will significantly worry about building a logic behind the application he is operating on. Different operations like gathering the information, handling it, encoding it, and adding it to the data set are done on the backend side. It is also called server-side development.

What is backend development is a broad topic, but this basic introduction would clear the query of what is backend development.

Backend Development Skills:

After discussing what is backend development, we need to discuss backend development skills. To become a backend developer, some skills are required. The backend development skills include:

1) Server:

Disclosure to take care of Apache, Microsoft IIS, Nginx, IIS servers is advantageous. A decent framework in Linux helps in managing servers.

2) Database and Cache:

Knowledge of various DBMS technology is one of the vital Backend developer skills. MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, SQL Server, Redis area unit wide used for this purpose data of caching mechanisms like varnish, Memcached, Redis may be a and.

3) Web Development Languages:

A backend developer should know a minimum of one server-side or backend development language like Java, Python, Ruby, and Net.

4) API (REST and SOAP):

Information on web administrations or API is likewise significant for full heap developers. Information on the development and utilization of REST and SOAP administrations is advantageous.

Tools Used for Backend Development:

There are many tools of backend development that are used in it. The details of some of the backend development tools are provided as follows:

1) Firebase:

Firebase is one of the favoured development stages for backend development due to its powerful tools and strength accessible at this stage. With the help of this tool, backend developers can make applications for iOS, Android, and the Web without any problems.

Firebase appears as a cloud stage for creating, controlling, and running applications. It offers various tools for achieving application improvement and hosting tasks.

Some of the best features of the firebase include push texting, server examination, backend capacity, client verification, and even more. 

It is facilitated on the cloud, allowing the backend developers to scale their applications without stress. These multiple highlights make it one of the leading applications throughout the world.

2) GitHub: 

It is s a repository hosting service. However, it adds a large number of its features. It is an order line tool. GitHub gives a Web-based graphical connection point. It likewise provides approach control and a few coordinated features. For example, wikis and fundamental assignment tools for each task. The primary function of GitHub is "forking.” Forking is used to copy a depository, starting with one client’s account onto the next. 

This empowers a person to take a task that does not have composed admittance and change under his record. If he makes any changes that he might want to share, he can send the manager a “pull request” notice. With a tick of a button, that client can consolidate the changes found in his repo.

3) Stack Overflow:

It is a responsive site for experts and professional backend developers. It is the leading site of the Stack Exchange Network, which was established in 2008 by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky. It highlights questions and replies on a diverse range in PC programming. Its public stage serves 100 million individuals consistently. It is considered one of the 50 most well-known sites throughout the world.

This tool has over 14 million enlisted clients and has gotten over 21 million inquiries and 31 million answers. Based on the sort of tags appointed to questions, the main eight most talked about topics on the site are JavaScript , java, php, c, android, phython, jquery, html

 Stack Overflow likewise has a Jobs area to help back-end developers find their next chance. Stack Overflow gives managers different tools to mark their company, promote their openings on the website, and source up candidates from the information base of stack overflow of back-end developers available to be reached.

4) Postman API:

This tool is an absolute API development stage with different underlying tools that help each phase of the API lifecycle. This tool lets you configure, mock, investigate, computerized testing, record, screen, and distribute the APIs from one spot. It can be reached through local: macOS, Linux, Windows applications.

This tool accomplishes something other than testing APIs. The first step seems like interaction for sending HTTP demands and then observing reactions.

 However, it is based on a broad arrangement of essential tools that are extremely simple to utilize. It permits a person to combine your API demands into different collections and files that share average values across requests with climate factors, script tests with the inherent node. We will speak more about Newman, the command-line assortment runner for Postman.

5) Apache:

Apache is the most broadly utilized software of web servers. Apache Software Foundation created and managed it. Apache is open-source programming that is freely accessible. It functions on 67% of all web servers all around the world. It is quick, secure, and reliable. It is highly modified to address the issues of a wide range of conditions by utilizing expansions and modules. Most suppliers of WordPress hosting use Apache as their web server programming. It can also function on other web server programming.

Like a Web server, it is answerable to receive catalogue demands from Internet clients and send them their required data like documents and Web pages. A large part of the Web's software and code is intended to work alongside Apache's highlights. The developers dealing with Web applications typically utilize a home variant of Apache to review and test the code. It is free from any dangerous document sharing component, permitting clients to place folders into the root catalogue of their Apache programming and offer them to different clients.

Programming Languages for Backend Development:

There are different programming languages for backend development. Back-end developers utilize programming languages for backend development like Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, Microsoft's .Net structure, and information executive tools like SQL and MySQL to fulfil a client's solicitation. 

A backend developer utilizes a set of backend development languages to bring the frontend language of backend development to life. In a few ways, a backend developer is making the minds and logic of the site. Let’s discuss some of the programming languages for backend development:

Programming Languages for Backend Development

1) Java:

One of the most broadly utilized programming languages is Java. Java is being used for most back-end development tasks. It also includes those incorporating huge information and Android advancement. Likewise, it is utilized regularly to register desktops, other portable processing, games, and mathematical figuring.



It is an object-oriented language that assists a person with upgrading the adaptability and reusability of the code. Utilizing the OOPs idea, one can reuse the article in different projects. It also helps a person increase protection by restricting the information and operations into one unit and not leaving it to be accessed by the rest of the world. It likewise assists with organizing the more excellent modules into most miniature modules so that they can be easily understood.

Inexpensive and Economical:

It is inexpensive to create and maintain as this project is subject to a particular hardware structure to run. We can execute them on any machine without any difficulty that lessens the additional expense to keep it.


Slow and Poor Functioning:

It has a slow performance because of the additional level of gathering and deliberation by the JVM. Also, the trash specialist leads to poor functioning of Java as it drains more CPU time.

Memory Consuming Program:

It demands a huge or significant amount of memory space compared with different languages like C and C++. During the execution of trash collection, the efficiency of memory and the framework’s performance might be significantly influenced.

2) Python:

Python is an object-oriented, significant-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its undeniable level develops the information structures, joined with dynamic composing and dynamic restricting, making it exceptionally appealing for Rapid Application Development and using a paste or scripting language to associate existing parts together.


Advanced Productivity:

It is a highly productive language. Because of the effortlessness of Python, backend developers can focus on solving the issue. They do not have to invest an excess of energy in understanding the conduct and syntax of the programming language. One can compose less code and accomplish more things.

Programmatically Executed:

It does not know the kind of variable until one runs the code. It consequently assigns the information type during execution. The developer does not have to stress announcing variables and their information types.


Runtime Defaults:

It is a powerfully composed language, so the type of information of a variable can change at any time. Later on, a variable containing a whole number might hold a string, prompting Runtime defaults. In this way, Python developers need to perform careful testing of the applications.

Not Good at Mobile Applications:

It is utilized in server-side programming. A person cannot see Python on the customer side or mobile apps due to the accompanying reasons. It is not memory proficient, and it has slow handling power compared with different programming languages.


3) PHP:

PHP, a machine-readable text Preprocessor, could be a universally prearranging language that may foster dynamic and intelligent sites. It was between the main server-side languages that could be implanted into HTML, making it more straightforward to add usefulness to website pages without expecting to call outer folders for information.


Open-Source Program:

The most significant benefit of PHP is that it is open-source and liberated from cost. It tends to be downloaded at any place and is easily accessible to use for the occasion of web applications.


The flexibility makes PHP successfully consolidate with numerous other programming languages so that the software package could involve the most influenced innovation for each specific feature.


Poor Quality of Handling Errors:

The programmers broadly accept that PHP highlights the poor quality of handling mistakes. It needs investigating tools, which are expected to search for errors and warnings. It has fewer number of studying tools in contrast with other programming languages.

Tough to Manage:

It's challenging to manage because it is not competent modular. It already imitates the options of the Java language.

Advantages of Backend Development:

Some of the advantages of backend development include:

Needs Code Logic:

These days, many programmers keep the user interface of the website and application rationale separate to work on its advancement and maintenance. The logic application likewise functions out the standard processing of information each firm needs, including the application area and framework parts. The backend of the website contains its explanation for an application. Consequently, the developers must centre around the improvement of the backend web to flawlessly change starting with one frontend then onto the next, making other user interfaces approach a similar application rationale.

Influence the Experience of Website User:

Accessibility to a website and user interface will rely upon its prosperity over a long period. As discussed before, the backend operates all the works needed to make a site work. Backend innovation's consistency can impact the user interface provided by a site. Any issues with the backend code can prompt to sometimes site crashes and slow running of the site. It also leads to execution issues. Simultaneously, minor back-end code weaknesses will lead the site to designated ransomware attacks and assurance. The backend developers should focus on the consistency and format of the backend code to guarantee that the website offers a good client experience without interference.

Adds Functionality Advantage to Frontend Development:

When a website is developing, developers are needed to compose backend code to add advantage to the functionality of each frontend. As an example, to feature practicality to a consumer login structure. The developers should collect code utilizing a server-side programming language. The backend code gathers the qualities each time a client enters his login details and then compares them with the login information. Likewise, the backend code adds advantages to various structures, profiles, and records. Without quality backend innovation, no website will function.

Works in Various Environments:

Nowadays, different companies convey sites and web applications in the scope of environments. A few companies pick websites working on data set servers, and others install online applications in the cloud. Different companies consolidate all hosting services to take benefits like further developed limits. The arrangement of the Web server fluctuates from one network to another. The developers often divide the responsibility of server-side over various machines. The changing facilitating conditions make modifying the website backend fundamental for them.

Disadvantages of Backend Development:

The significant disadvantages of backend development include:

Protection Issues:

If a person's essential concern is protection, he should settle on a custom backend cloud committed to him alone. He should figure insurance strategies of protection that can change as per plans of action.

Restricted Count Operations:

It has a restricted count operation for a person, which changes from time to time. This limited count operation cannot exceed the limit of 160.

Reduced Control:

Customers have reduced control on the power of the network that forbids them from executing those operations as they want to do.

No Choice for Automatic Services:

There is no decision for particular automatic services, making it challenging to tackle the market issues.

Examples of Backend Development:

The most common example of backend development is Amazon. A person goes on Amazon and quest for a shirt. A Back End developer utilizes server-side language to pull all the data about shirts from an information base. That data is then handled in an application and back to that person through the frontend language. 

Other common examples of backend development include:

  • Handling an approaching web page demand.
  • Running content to produce HTML.
  • Accessing information, like an article, from a data set utilizing SQL inquiries.
  • Storing vital records in a data set.
  • Scrambling and decoding information.
  • Handling file transfers and downloads.

The career of Backend Development:

Backend developers play an essential part in web advancement groups and ensure that information or administrations mentioned by the frontend framework or programming are conveyed. After discussing with their managers and getting their necessities and specialized requirements, these developers utilize the previously mentioned tools to make web applications with spotless and well-recorded code. 

career of Backend Development

Let's discuss some points in my career in backend development:

1)Future of Backend Development:

This pattern in programming is not new. It has constantly been developing over the recent years. Having a back end with API is getting to another level with the current degree of mobile application advancement and acquiring more superior traction. From one viewpoint, it lets back-end programmers centre around the business rationale and arrangement of information to whoever calls the API. 

Then again, backend developers of customer applications are allowed to pick whatever system and innovation stack ?ts the requirements of the item best, be it a web application or local mobile application, or a work area one. For instance, a back-end application could be created in Ruby on Rails or Elixir.

2)Jobs in Backend Development:

Back-end developers are answerable for server-side web application rationale and join front-end web programmers' work. Back-end programmers ordinarily compose web administrations and APIs utilized by front-end and mobile app developers. The different jobs in backend development include:

  • Combination of client confronting elements created by front-end programmers with server-side rationale.
  • Developing reusable code and libraries for use in the future.
  • Improvement in the application for better speed and versatility.
  • Execution and improvement of safety.
  • Plan and implementation of information storage arrangements.

The Back-End Web Developers are answerable for dealing with the trade of information between the server and the clients. Their primary focus will be advancing all server-side rationale, definition, and management of the central data set and guaranteeing superior execution and responsiveness to demands from the front-end.

3)Salary in Backend Development:

The backend developers earn a very handsome amount of salary. A backend developer in the US regularly acquires around $61,042 each year. In their early career, they can expect a compensation of $75,000 each year. A backend developer with experience of 5-9 years acquires an average of $95,000 each year. 

Back-end developers are in great demand. The back-end developers need to learn some fundamental abilities to become successful in their lives and earn a decent salary.


The conclusion of this article of What is backend development is that there is an excellent future for backend developers. They use different programming languages and tools to accomplish their tasks. They are in greater demand nowadays, and other companies are hiring them. Backend development tools are used throughout the world to perform various operations. There are some basic backend development skills that one needs to learn to succeed in the future.

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